Scotland’s Annual Healthcare Science Event 2019

The Annual Healthcare Science National Event in Scotland takes place on 19th and 20th June at the Studio, Glasgow. This two-day event includes Healthcare Science best practice winners from the recent Advancing Healthcare Awards and a focus on Scotland’s shared services agenda for diagnostics. Speakers from a UK perspective are included in the programme; visitors welcome!  For further details, please click here.

toolTips(‘.classtoolTips167′,’National Health Service’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips171′,’NHS Education for Scotland’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips172′,’Healthcare Science’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips188′,’Association for Clinical Embryologists’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips238′,’National Occupational Standards’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips249′,’Clinical Scientist’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips251′,’Environment Agency’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips255′,’Internal Verifier’); toolTips(‘.classtoolTips257′,'(Professional Body) Practical Examiner’);

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Source: The Academy for Healthcare Science,